Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use your music?

Answer: Yes, You can use all my music for free for non-commercial purposes. This means you don’t have to pay to listen to music or embed it in your video. However, if you want to use music in your video, which will bring you direct or indirect monetary income, then you need to purchase a license. The cost of the license depends on the type of video and location of use. I also understand that not every video creator can pay for an expensive license, so I offer pricing on a project-by-project basis.

I use music in my YouTube video and received a copyright claim.

Answer: Yes. Many music tracks are protected on YouTube. Just because you receive a copyright claim does not mean that you have violated copyright. I allow the use of music for free, including on YouTube. This copyright claim merely prevents the video from being monetized. This copyright claim does not affect your channel’s reputation and is not a strike. This is only a means of controlling commercial use. If you purchased a license for commercial use of a music track, then simply show it by opening a dispute. If you do not have a license, please do not open a dispute. This may result in your video being deleted. You can continue to use music without the ability to monetize (earn money by showing ads) your video.

How i can remove a copyright claim?

Answer: The copyright claim can be removed. To do this, you need to purchase a commercial use license. I am also removing copyright claims from anyone who is a patron of mine on Patreon. Become my patron and get access to my entire catalog of music + you can ask me to remove copyright claims.

How i can to be your Patron?

Answer: Follow this link and sign up for a paid subscription. You can choose your subscription level. Basic or Professional. The basic tier gives you access to the entire catalog and the ability to ask me to remove copyright claims. The Professional tier gives you access to additional materials such as Stems and alternate versions. Also, for those who are my professional level patrons, I can add the YouTube channel to the white list. This means that such patrons will no longer receive copyright claims. You can find out more on my Patreon page.